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Ambassadors of light

Chanukah is about bringing light into the world. 

Especially this year, every bit of light is that much more appreciated.


Join our global “Ambassadors of light” campaign to: Be the light and Gift light 


We need you to bring LIGHT into the world!

  1. Get your Menorahs 

  2. GIFT a menorah to 5 friends so that they can light too

  3. Light your own Menorah


Are you ready to join?

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Mezuzah Ambassadors

A Mezuzah is an expression of the watchful eye of G-d that constantly protects us, giving personal attention that only the

Divine can provide. A G-dly embrace. 

Do you know a friend who does not have a Mezuzah yet? 

Be a Mezuzah Ambassador and get them one today!

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Ambassadors of Freedom

It’s getting warmer. Spring is in the air.

Have you started cooking and cleaning? Pesach is coming!


Pesach is synonymous with freedom. Freedom from social norms, pressure and stress. Freedom means something different to each of us.


Join our global “Ambassadors of Freedom” campaign to: 'Live it. Share it.'


We need you to permeate the world with a sense of freedom!

  1. Get your Matzah 

  2. Share your matzah with a friend who may not have.


Are you ready?

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01 Education

02 The Mission

03 Action

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